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Oftentimes businesses jump into marketing without any clear direction or strategy. Whilst this can work, marketing is far more effective if you have a solid plan. Before even attempting to create cool marketing media, it is advisable to produce a full marketing plan. But how do you do this and where do you start? We have listed 5 simple tips that should help you do this below.


1. Identify your target demographic


One of the first things you should outline in your marketing plan is your target demographic. The target demographic is your ideal customer. These are the people who are most likely to buy your products/services. Without a clear demographic, your marketing strategies will be less focused. This in turn will reduce their effectiveness. The demographic information should be as detailed as possible and include factors like region, age group, and financial status.

2. Create strong and consistent branding


Branding should be a cornerstone of any marketing plan. Having a strong brand will help bring your marketing strategies together. It provides unity and ensures that customers can easily identify with your business.


Branding elements include a company logo, color schemes, fonts, and language. You can create a business logo using a tool such as Alternatively, you can manage color schemes and fonts using online platforms like Snappa. Language is more personal to your business, but you must develop a consistent language throughout your marketing channels. 


As part of your marketing plan, devote time to your branding. Establish a set of core branding elements, and then make sure that they are used throughout your marketing.

3. Set clear goals for your marketing campaigns


When creating a marketing plan, you must have a clear idea of what you want to achieve. It is advisable to set goals for your marketing. These should be realistic, and reflective of your overall business plan. The goals could be revenue-based or customer-based. For example, you may set a goal of gaining X new customers for the duration of a marketing campaign. Goals are important so you can ultimately measure the success of your marketing.

4. Review those campaigns and their success


As mentioned above, having marketing goals is an important part of the plan. It is also important to review your campaigns and see if the goals were achieved. You can then determine if the marketing campaign was successful. If it was, you can utilize aspects of the marketing again in future campaigns. If not, you can analyze areas where the marketing fell short. This ultimately helps your business make continual improvements. It also makes sure that your marketing should continue to improve.

5. Adapt to changing trends


Finally, your marketing plan and strategies must be adaptive. In today’s world of online business, the landscape is continually changing. What worked yesterday, may not necessarily work today. Trends change quickly and social media platforms like Tik Tok can often influence what works and what doesn’t. It is, therefore, necessary to adapt and change your marketing as necessary. You should strive to keep informed on the latest trends and understand what is popular and what isn’t. This will make sure you do not use outdated marketing methods.


Don’t flounder and create ineffective marketing! Planning should not be overlooked and it is a key aspect that can help improve the effectiveness of your marketing strategies. By planning, you can make sure that you are targeting the correct customers. Also, you can adapt to different market situations, and make sure that you can constantly improve your marketing campaigns. 

By: Horace Pena