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Today, it’s estimated that there are just over 30 million small businesses in the United States alone. 

So no matter what type of industry you’re in, there’s already a whole lot of competition out there. 

Fortunately, through blogging, SEO, and social media, it’s easier than ever for small business owners to carve out their niche, cultivate an audience, and remain competitive in the world’s already highly competitive marketplace. 

Below, we explore some of the best and most cost-effective methods for promoting your small business! 


Search Engine Optimization

Alternately known as SEO, Search Engine Optimization is the process of optimizing websites, blog posts, and web pages so that search engine users readily find them. 

Unlike humans, search engines don’t have eyes to read web pages and view content. Instead, search engines, like Google, “see” websites according to specific vital parameters, such as the text on a web page, a web page’s meta-description, its image alt-attributes, etc. 

Although human site visitors don’t usually see these aspects of a website, they’re essential for allowing a search engine to understand what any given web page is about. 

To perform SEO, first and foremost, small business owners need to ensure that search engines index their websites.

Secondly, they must be using keywords on their site that their potential customers are already looking for on Google. 

And lastly, they need to build a link profile, which, essentially, tells search engines that the website is reputable and trustworthy. 

There’s a ton to learn and understand about SEO. 

However, in 2021, small business owners must understand the importance of optimizing their websites for search engines. 

Plus, it’s one of the best free ways you can drive traffic to a site! 


Social Media Marketing

Today, there are more online social platforms than ever before! 

Whether we’re talking about Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Linked In, these are some of the best free tools you can use to promote your audience in today’s competitive marketplace. 

However, the key is to understand that you won’t necessarily need to be active and engage on all social media networks

Instead, it’s essential to perform a bit of market research to understand where your ideal customers are already spending their time. 

For instance, if you run a B2B business, you’re better off promoting your business on platforms like Linked In, which are geared primarily towards businesses. Whereas, if your ideal customers are generally younger, you might want to spend your time on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, or Snapchat. 

Regardless, social media is one of the best free resources for promoting your brand in 2021. 

Plus, you can also opt to use paid PPC advertising to help increase your reach and boost your brand engagement levels. 


Word Of Mouth Marketing

Brands can easily spend hundreds or thousands of dollars every month on paid advertisements. 

However, paid ads, SEO, and social media aren’t the only ways to connect to your audience and promote your brand. 

Creating proper branding and logo design, getting active sharing business cards, and talking about your business is just as essential to your brand’s health and future success. 

Word of mouth marketing is often overlooked in today’s digital marketplace. 

But talking about your business with friends, family, and the people you meet is still one of the best ways to increase brand awareness and get people talking about your brand. 


Free Promotional Tips For Small Businesses In 2021

Whether you sell products to consumers or other businesses, your small business must take the time to promote itself to the world actively. 

In an already competitive marketplace, it can be challenging to stand out from your competitors. 

But by optimizing your website for search engines, being active and engaged on social media, and verbally spreading the word about your business, you practically guarantee the future success of your brand!